SMAPE srl.
It was since 1993, however, that Smape started providing Coiled Tubing and Pumping services.
Smape's entire history, since the company's foundation in 1989, has been highlighted by carrying out challenging enterprise. The company growth has helped the Italian Oilfield Market to reach a turning point with regard of CT using. We contributed to the diffusion of a lot of services now provided by CT, developing a proper Downhole tools department able to find the way to get over technical issue never overcome before.
Smape is now the leading Oilfield Coiled Tubing, Pumping and Down-hole Tools services provider in the Italian & part of North Africa Market, Europe, Caspian Area, developing a long experience in the field. Smape has established a system that constant monitor the link efficiency between well-site and engineering department. We are constantly working out new products & services in order to get the best technical solutions for our clients laying emphasis in terms of safety, quality and environment.